Not so standard evaluations

R NSE Metaprogramming

Getting a better understanding of the tidyeval framework



Lukas Gröninger



April 19, 2022


Gröninger, 2022

The R language has some peculiarities. One of these is the use of non-standard evaluation (NSE) and the notion of Metaprogramming. I’m using R for quite some time now and these concepts have already given me some serious headaches (and will probably continue to do so…). Nevertheless, I have become a friend of this concept and enjoy using it. In the first two years of using R (it was my first programming language), I have not given a single thought to this idea, because I didn’t need it at all. Furthermore, I didn’t even question why the following was working:


mtcars |> filter(cyl == 6)
                mpg cyl disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4      21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.62 16.5  0  1    4    4
Mazda RX4 Wag  21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.88 17.0  0  1    4    4
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.21 19.4  1  0    3    1
Valiant        18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.46 20.2  1  0    3    1
Merc 280       19.2   6  168 123 3.92 3.44 18.3  1  0    4    4
Merc 280C      17.8   6  168 123 3.92 3.44 18.9  1  0    4    4
Ferrari Dino   19.7   6  145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5  0  1    5    6

How does R know where to find cyl and why does both library(dplyr) and library("dplyr") work?

I don’t recall which problem I tried to fix, but one day I landed on a stackoverflow thread where one solution used the !! (bang-bang) operator. I have never seen it before and was puzzled. I copied the code and was glad that it worked, but I had no idea why. The more I started to define my own functions, the more I stumbled across this strange topic of non standard evaluations and Metaprogramming. There were more than a handful of expressions (😉) I couldn’t grasp. Examples are:

All of these concepts seem highly complex and difficult and this post is not about trying to explain all or any of them in detail. For an R Beginner I feel these topics are quite intimidating and for me they would have been overwhelming and deterring. But have no fear, there are great ressources out there in the {rlang} documentation as well as in the Big Picture Chapture of Advanced R. What also helped me a lot was the Tidy Evaluation book by Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham. In particular, the difference and the use cases between the Bang-Bang (!!) and the Big-Bang (!!!) operator became much clearer after reading it.

So what is this post about then? It should serve as a ressource (for myself and potentially others) to find helpful articles/posts or videos on the topic and to provide an example of how I use non standard evaluation in exploratory data analysis.

List of helpful Ressources

Blog Posts



An example of using NSE

I mainly use the Tidy eval framework in the realm of interactive data exploration and visualization. Here I will show how to apply it to create count summaries for multiple variables of a dataframe. I’ll use the tabyl() function from the {janitor} package. Often I just want to have a short look at all distinct values of a variable and the corresponding percentages. This is exactly what tabyl allows us to do. We start by loading the required libraries.

# Required libraries

library(palmerpenguins) # Penguins Dataset to explore

The dataset for which we want to create count summaries is the penguins dataset from the {palmerpenguins} package. This is a classic dataset to play around with and offers eight variables.

Selecting variables from penguins dataframe

I really like this preview behaviour when accessing named lists or dataframes. What I also find enormously useful is the tidyselect syntax. Often the structure of variables in a dataframe follows a certain system. In this case we have variables that show directly in which metric they are measured (e.g. bill_length_mm). Tidyselect helpers offer a way to utilize this structure when selecting variables. There are several possibilities:Here is a list with further examples

# Selecting all variables measured in mm
select(penguins, ends_with("_mm"))

# Selecting all variables containing the word "bill"
select(penguins, contains("bill"))

# Selecting all variables from island up to sex
select(penguins, island:sex)

# Selecting specific variables
select(penguins, c(island, sex, year))

Let’s have a look at the output when using tabyl. We want to look at the gender or sex values of penguins in our dataset.

janitor::tabyl(penguins, sex)
    sex   n percent valid_percent
 female 165   0.480         0.495
   male 168   0.488         0.505
   <NA>  11   0.032            NA

Here we see that we get the count of distinct values and (valid) percentages. I want to store information like this for multiple variables in a named summary list. So how do I approach this problem?

As Jenny Bryan said in her Lazy evaluation talk you probably don’t have to go too deep in the rlang tidy evaluation framework. In many cases you can “just pass the dots”. This refers to the ... (Dynamic dots or forwarding) operator where you can collect multiple arguments to e.g. select() or group_by() calls.

# Creating my custom var_summary function with `...`
var_summary <- function(df, ...) {
  # Extract the column names in a character vector
  col_names <- df |>
    # Now I use the tidyselect helpers of the second argument
    select(...) |>
  # Map over the character column names and create the count summary
  # In the end we want to name our so created list
  col_names |>
    map(~janitor::tabyl(df, !!sym(.x)) |> 
          arrange(desc(n)) |> 
          mutate(cum_percent = cumsum(percent))) |>

# Test the function
var_sum <- var_summary(penguins, ends_with("_mm"))
Accessing the resulting var_sum list

Besides the ... argument the !!sym(.x) stands out as a hint at a NSE pattern. What the sym() function does in our case is converting the character column name into a symbol that can be used as the second argument to the tabyl() function. This has to be evaluated through the use of the Bang-Bang operator. Let’s look at an example:

# Define a character column name of our dataframe
col_name <- "island"

# Convert to symbol
sym_col_name <- sym(col_name)

# Force evaluation of symbol in the context of the tabyl function
var_sum <- janitor::tabyl(penguins, !!sym_col_name) |> 
  arrange(desc(n)) |> 
  mutate(cum_percent = cumsum(percent)) 

    island   n percent cum_percent
    Biscoe 168   0.488       0.488
     Dream 124   0.360       0.849
 Torgersen  52   0.151       1.000

Great, but there is also another possibility we can use as a second argument to our created function. The {{}} doublestache operator (term coined by Kelly Bodwin) which was introduced in rlang 0.4.0 (2019) can be used exactly for our use case as we only want to pass one argument of variable selection. The dynamic dots are used as a more general placeholder for multiple arguments. Here we just exchange the ... with the {{}}.

# Creating my custom var_summary function with the doublestache operator
var_summary <- function(df, vars) {
  # Extract the column names in a character vector
  col_names <- df |>
    # Now I use the tidyselect helpers of the second argument
    select({{vars}}) |>
  # Map over the character column names and create the count summary
  # In the end we want to name our so created list
  col_names |>
    map(~janitor::tabyl(df, !!sym(.x)) |> 
          arrange(desc(n)) |> 
          mutate(cum_percent = cumsum(percent))) |>

# Test the function
var_sum <- var_summary(penguins, c(species, island, sex))

When reading about the tidyselect helper functions I thought it is probably possible to just extract the character vector of column names without the overhead of select-ing all the variables. And exactly for this purpose tidyselect::eval_select() exists. It evaluates a tidyselect expression like for example starts_with("bill") in the context of a dataframe and returns a named integer vector with column names and position:

# Capture an expression
expression <- expr(starts_with("bill"))

# Evaluating the selection in the dataframe environment
tidyselect::eval_select(expression, data = penguins)
bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm 
             3              4 

The use of tidyselect::eval_select() leads to a slightly faster implementation of the function.

# Creating my custom var_summary function using eval_select()
var_summary <- function(df, vars) {
  expression <- rlang::enquo(vars)
  col_names <- tidyselect::eval_select(expression, data = df) |>
  col_names |>
    map(~janitor::tabyl(df, !!sym(.x)) |> 
          arrange(desc(n)) |> 
          mutate(cum_percent = cumsum(percent))) |>

var_sum <- var_summary(penguins, starts_with("bill"))


In the end I created three different functions which did the same job highlighting different possibilities of how to use tidyeval/NSE patterns.

I’ve written this post so that it provides a place of reference for me to come back to. Furthermore, it might lead to some people having a closer look at this paradigm and test their own ways of implementing Metaprogramming aspects in their workflow (I’ve just touched the surface here). I for myself find it a fascinating aspect of the R programming language which fits nicely into functional programming patterns. At the same time I have to admit, that it is hard to get your head around these ideas and see myself returning to the {rlang} documentation quite often…


  1. Here is a list with further examples[↩]


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Gröninger (2022, April 20). Lukas R Blog: Not so standard evaluations. Retrieved from

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  author = {Gröninger, Lukas},
  title = {Lukas R Blog: Not so standard evaluations},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}