How to find the perfect sailing yacht.
In the last post I described how to use an API to download financial data. In this post I want to talk about accessing data from the web when we don’t have the luxury of using an API. Maybe there is an interface, but it is not publicly available. Or there is none and we still want to extract data. The concept we will use here is called Web Scraping. It is about collecting structured web data in an automated way. The example to demonstrate this process will be the website
It is a european two sided marketplace to purchace or sell used sailing or motorboats. I’ve worked on ships for some years and enjoy going sailing during vacation. And so sometimes I end up looking at used sailboats on the Internet… Today the goal is to scrape information from this site.
Let’s have a look:
We filtered for sailboats and see a list of boats and additional information. The total number of listings is 3296 boats. The general setup of the page is already quite good for our task.
Now I want to access information about the inventory of this marketplace. We can do this by investigating the structure of the website of interest.
This means answering questions like - How is the content and the information loaded and displayed and what other requests are made in the background? We do this by having a look at the Developer Tools Panel (if you are using a Chrome Browser). On Windows this opens up after typing Control+Shift+C. We will use it to inspect the different elements and extract and parse the relevant html/xml.
The libraries we’ll need to perform the process of extracting information from a web page are the following:
We start by scrolling through the boats and click on a link in order to see a more detailed view of the specific boat listing. We see pictures of the boat and further information in a table below. When hovering over this table we see the section is called “specs”.
We are definitely interested in extracting this information.
To identify this table we can right click and copy the xpath.
But first we will set up our R script. We see that on every page there are
20 boats listed. The starting url from where we’ll navigate this site will
therefore be
# Starting url
url <- ""
# Starting page number
page_num <- 0
Afterwards we’ll initialize our dataframe with all the variables of interest that we want to extract.
# Initialize Dataframe (for the moment only char-variables, will be cleaned later)
boat_df <- tibble(id = character(),
type = character(),
price = character(),
condition = character(),
manufacturer = character(),
model = character(),
region = character(),
location = character(),
year = character(),
length_width = character(),
draft = character(),
displacement = character(),
material = character(),
steering = character(),
keel_type = character(),
ballast = character(),
no_persons = character(),
headroom = character(),
no_cabins = character(),
no_beds = character(),
propulsion = character(),
engine_perf = character(),
fuel_type = character(),
fuel_cap = character(),
engine_hours = character(),
mainsail = character(),
genoa = character(),
spinnaker = character(),
ad_date = character(),
no_views = character(),
no_favs = character())
The process looks like this:
by 20) and repeat.I will break it down into several steps.
# Start while loop with page_num = Number of Boats displayed at the top left
while (page_num < 3280) {
<- read_html(url)
website # Extract boatlist of website
<- website |>
boat_list html_nodes(xpath = "/html/body/main/section[2]/div/ul/li")
We’ll use the read_html()
function from the {rvest} package to extract all
of the html. with html_nodes()
we can specify which segment we want to read.
We are interested in the links of the detail pages of the boats.
With the help of the developer tool view we can select the element of interest, right click and
copy the xpath. In the case of the specs table this was “//*[@id=‘specs’]“.
For the ID, the price or the number of views, there are different xpaths which
can be found by inspecting the elements of the site.
In order to extract the relevant information we need to use some regular expressions (regex). To extract the condition of the boat we use for example a lookahead “[^\n]+(?=Condition?)”.
# Loop through the 20 boats on the list
for (i in seq_along(boat_list)) {
<- xml_attrs(xml_child(boat_list[[i]], 1))[2]
boat_link # There are some google ads which have to be filtered by this if statement
if (str_sub(boat_link, start = 1L, end = 22L) == "") {
<- read_html(boat_link)
boat_link_site # Read out the variables of interest with xpath or classes
<- html_nodes(boat_link_site,
specs_table xpath = "//*[@id='specs']") %>% html_text()
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='sticky-header-trigger']/div/div/aside/section[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/strong") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='specs']/header/p[1]/a[1]") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='contact']/div[1]/p[1]/strong") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='location']/p/text()") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='location']/p/strong") |>
<- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Condition?)")
condition <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Manufacturer?)")
manufacturer <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Model?)")
model <- str_extract(specs_table, "\\d+(?=Year Built?)")
year <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Length x Width?)")
length_width <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Draft?)")
draft <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Displacement?)")
displacement <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Material?)")
material <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Steering?)")
steering <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Keel Type?)")
keel_type <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Ballast?)")
ballast <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Certified No. of Persons?)")
no_persons <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Headroom?)")
headroom <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=No. of Cabins?)")
no_cabins <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=No. of Beds?)")
no_beds <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Propulsion?)")
propulsion <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Engine Performance?)")
engine_perf <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Fuel Type?)")
fuel_type <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Fuel Capacity?)")
fuel_cap <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Engine Hours?)")
engine_hours <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Mainsail?)")
mainsail <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Genoa?)")
genoa <- str_extract(specs_table, "[^\n]+(?=Spinnaker?)")
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='sticky-header-trigger']/div/div/aside/section[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/strong") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='sticky-header-trigger']/div/div/aside/section[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/strong") |>
<- html_nodes(
boat_link_site, xpath = "//*[@id='sticky-header-trigger']/div/div/aside/section[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/strong") |>
After having stored all information in variables we fill them in a dataframe/tibble.
For some boats there were missing variables which had to be coded as NA
We can write a short function to do that.
# Function to select only the first element, if empty --> NA
check_input <- function(x) if (is_empty(x)) NA else x[[1]]
<- list(id, type, price, condition, manufacturer, model, region,
location, year, length_width, draft, displacement,
material, steering, keel_type, ballast, no_persons,
headroom, no_cabins, no_beds, propulsion, engine_perf,
fuel_type, fuel_cap, engine_hours, mainsail, genoa,
spinnaker, ad_date, no_views, no_favs)
<- extracted_vars |>
df set_names(colnames(boat_df)) |>
# Rowbind the dataframe
<- bind_rows(boat_df, df)
boat_df }
Afterwards the dataframe is appended to our previously created one.
Then we have to increase the page_num
counter and go to the next page.
# Jump to the next page in steps of 20 (boats per page)
<- page_num + 20
page_num <- paste0("",
url as.character(page_num), "&sort=datdesc")
In the end we can save our final dataframe as a csv or any other file format. Now we’ll look at the first entries of our data:
boat_df |>
head(3) |>
For simplicity the variables are all encoded as character. The next step is to clean the data.
The main function to clean the data is the readr::parse_number()
With across()
we can apply this function to several variables.
Another aspect is the fact that the prices are not displayed in a consistent format.
That’s why I had to extract the currency and convert all prices in Euro.
cleaned_df <- boat_df |>
drop_na(id) |>
distinct(id, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
separate(col = engine_perf, into = c("no_eng", "hp_eng"), sep = "x") |>
separate(col = length_width, into = c("length", "width"), sep = "x") |>
mutate(currency = str_sub(price, 1, 1),
price = parse_number(price,
locale = locale(decimal_mark = ",",
grouping_mark = ".")),
hp_eng = str_extract(hp_eng, pattern = "(\\d)+(?= HP)"),
displacement = parse_number(displacement,
locale = locale(grouping_mark = "'")),
across(.cols = c(no_persons, draft, no_cabins, no_beds, headroom, fuel_cap,
engine_hours, no_views, no_favs, ballast, mainsail, genoa, year,
spinnaker, no_eng, hp_eng, length, width),
.fns = parse_number),
region = case_when(str_detect(region, "United Kingdom") ~ "United_Kingdom",
str_detect(region, "United States") ~ "USA",
TRUE ~ region),
country = str_extract(region, pattern = "\\w+"),
price = case_when(currency == "£" ~ price*1.18,
currency == "C" ~ price*0.9,
currency == "D" ~ price*0.13,
currency == "E" ~ price*1,
currency == "S" ~ price*0.1,
currency == "U" ~ price*0.85,
TRUE ~ NA_real_),
ad_date = dmy(ad_date))
Now we could do some analysis, picking our favorite boat etc. We could calculate statistics of which boats get the most views or are getting marked as favorites most often. We could try to answer questions like - Does the country where I sell my boat has an impact on the price? and so on.
At last I will give a geographical view on how many boats are listed in different
european countries. Here I use a dataframe where I scraped information from not only sailing
but motorboats as well. To plot it on a map, there are packages like
or spData
which offer datasets for spatial analysis.
There are lots of great tutorials
which show how to do that. I work with simple Features (sf)
objects and {ggplot2}.
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = df_e, aes(fill = n_listings)) +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-15, 45), ylim = c(32, 70), expand = FALSE) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1) +
labs(fill = "Number of listings") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title.position = "top",
title.hjust = .5,
barwidth = 10,
barheight = 1))
We can directly see that this marketplace focuses mainly on the german/swiss market. The portfolio of boats outside of Central/Western Europe is negligible.
In this post I wanted to show how to scrape information from a webpage. It is a useful skill to be able to analyze the structure of websites and see how they are built. I went with the example as I am interested in sailing yachts but the use cases are quite diverse. The Internet offers the largest source of data and with Webscraping it can be accessed. You could use it to compare prices of products on different websites, monitor competitors or just for general research tasks.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Gröninger (2022, Jan. 10). Lukas R Blog: Scraping used boats. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{gröninger2022scraping, author = {Gröninger, Lukas}, title = {Lukas R Blog: Scraping used boats}, url = {}, year = {2022} }