How to access the SimFin API for financial reporting.
API’s (Application Programming Interfaces) are crucial when it comes to applications or systems communicating with each other. Today they are everywhere around us and I guess we cannot imagine a world without them. We are interacting with API’s several times a day e.g. when we are using Google Maps or sending out a tweet.
In the past years many organizations have decided to use an API-first approach for their projects. I will not go into detail about what exactly an API is or how it works. There are many resources explaining it (here for example).
In this blogpost I want to first show how to access the SimFin API and therefore gain access to financial information of more than 3000 public companies. Second I will demonstrate how to create your own financial (or any other) report.
SimFin stands for simplifying finance and is an organization that provides fundamental financial data about public companies for everyone. In order to get an API-key and download data you need to register with a mail account first. It is recommended to store the API-key in an environment variable. Here is an article that describes how to do that. After having done that you are good to go.
First we’ll load all necessary libraries.
# required libraries
library(httr2) # communicating with API's through R
library(lubridate) # Handling dates
library(gt) # Pretty tables
# Setting theme
plotutils::set_custom_theme(base_size = 30)
On the simfin website you will find a link to their Web API documentation. We start with an easy example of communicating with the API where we’ll request a list of available companies and their SimFinId.
First we’ll store our API-key in a variable and create our url (web-address) with which we want to talk to. This information is available in the documentation.
my_apikey <- Sys.getenv("SIMFIN_KEY")
base_url <- ""
endpoint <- "companies/list"
# Create url
url <- paste0(base_url, endpoint, "?api-key=", my_apikey)
Now we could just copy paste this url in our browser and see the result:
But fortunately there is a more elegant R package for communicating with API’s. The {httr2}
package is an advancement of the {httr}
package developed by Hadley Wickham.
# create the request
req <- request(url) |>
# Check if it worked
[1] 200
Glad to see that the request worked. Now we want to parse it’s raw output. In our case this is done via the resp_bod_json()
function (as we are dealing with json data - see the browser output). Then we are converting it to a dataframe/tibble.
content_json <- resp_body_json(req)
content_df <- tibble(simfin_id = map_dbl(content_json$data, 1),
ticker = map_chr(content_json$data, 2))
Let’s have a look at the first few rows of our dataframe of available companies:
Available companies | |
simfin_id | ticker |
854465 | 1COV.DE |
45846 | A |
1253413 | A18 |
1205636 | A20 |
367153 | AA |
939324 | AAC_delist |
68568 | AAL |
After scrolling through the first entries we recognize the AAPL ticker belonging to Apple. Now we’ll have a closer look at this company and extend our request with more fields.
# Define ticker. We want to have a look at Apple
ticker <- "AAPL"
# the statement to retrieve. (profit/loss)
statement <- "pl"
# the period & financial year to retrieve
period <- "q4"
fyear <- 2021
# create url
url <- paste0(base_url, "companies/statements?api-key=", my_apikey, "&ticker=", ticker,
"&statement=", statement, "&period=", period,"&fyear=", fyear)
# make request
apple_req <- request(url) |>
# convert JSON
apple_json <- resp_body_json(apple_req)[[1]]
apple_df <- tibble(variable = map_chr(apple_json$columns, 1),
value = map_chr(apple_json$data[[1]], 1, .null = NA_character_))
Now we can inspect some information for Apple’s last quarter.
Apple's 4. Quarter 2021 | |
variable | value |
Ticker | AAPL |
Report Date | 2021-09-30 |
Publish Date | 2021-10-29 |
Revenue | 83360000000.000000 |
Gross Profit | 35174000000.000000 |
Operating Expenses | -11388000000.000000 |
Research & Development | -5772000000.000000 |
Accessing the API in this way is somewhat cumbersome for more complex matters. But thankfully someone has written an R package for this as well.
Thanks to Matthias Gomolka for maintaining the {simfinapi} R package. This package wraps the SimFin API and allows us an easier access.
First we set our API-key and a cache directory for our requests.
# Setting the api key
sfa_set_api_key(api_key = Sys.getenv("SIMFIN_KEY"))
# Setting up cache directory
"simfin_cache"), create = TRUE)
Now we can use a set of functions to retrieve the information of interest. Our first request can be rewritten in one line as this:
available_companies <- sfa_get_entities()
If we want to look at some basic information for a company like Apple, we would write:
company_infos <- sfa_get_info(ticker = "AAPL")
One of the biggest strengths of R is its ability to produce beautiful reproducible reports and articles. This is done with {RMarkdown} and additional packages like {knitr}, {distill} etc. To learn more, I recommend the RMarkdown Cookbook by Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux and Emily Riederer.
For our small example report we want to focus on a specific set of companies. Let’s say we want to know how the stock prices of different social media networks performed in 2020. Were all companies equally affected by the Corona Virus? What we want also is to be able to change the set of companies as well as the year of interest programmatically when rendering the report. RMarkdown lets you define specific parameters at the top that you can access then inside your R code chunks.
To include these parameters in our report we have to define them first in the YAML header of our document. In our case this may look like this:
stocks: ["FB", "TWTR", "SNAP", "PINS"]
fiscal_year: 2020
Here we provide a list of stocks and the fiscal year as variables. We can access for example the list of stocks in our script with params$stocks
In this manner we can now use our parameters as arguments for the {simfinapi} functions.
# Get company infos
company_infos <- sfa_get_info(ticker = params$stocks)
# Get stock prices of companies of interest
shares <- sfa_get_prices(ticker = params$stocks) |>
Now we can generate an outpot comparing the stock price development over the year we specified before.
shares |>
mutate(year = year(date)) |>
# Filter only prices for our year of interest
filter(year == params$fiscal_year) |>
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = adj_close)) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar_format()) +
facet_wrap(~company_name, scales = "free_y") +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 months", date_labels = "%b") +
labs(title = glue::glue("Stock prices over the year {params$fiscal_year}"),
x = NULL,
y = NULL)
We can not only filter by our parameters but also using it to dynamically change the title of the plot. With different scales it is hard to compare the development between the selected companies. That’s why we’ll produce a plot with a logarithmized y axis.
shares |>
mutate(year = year(date)) |>
filter(year == params$fiscal_year) |>
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = adj_close, colour = company_name)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10", labels = scales::dollar_format()) +
viridis::scale_colour_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 months", date_labels = "%b") +
labs(title = "Comparison with logarithmized y axis",
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
colour = NULL)
Here we can see directly the comparison between companies and specifically the “Corona effect” in the middle of march. By now I guess many have seen logarithmized scales as they were quite popular to illustrate exponential growth of Corona Virus cases. The difference between 10$ and 100$ is the same as the difference between 30$ and 300$. The social network whose share price has risen the most is Pinterest. One hypothesis is that Pinterest in particular could benefit from the retreat into the own four walls. On this platform, the topics of designing and decorating the home, garden etc. are popular.
Now we don’t want to only compare the development of the stock prices, but have a deeper look at some characteristics of these companies. The SimFin API offers a variety of variables and information. We can access them through the {simfinapi} function sfa_get_statement()
. For now, we want to calculate our own metric to compare our four companies. This metric will be the Rule of 40
This simple metric can, of course, also be weighted if one of the two components is considered more relevant. Now let’s examine what this metric looks like for companies at the end of the fiscal year.
# The net profit margin information is found in the "derived" statement
derived_q4 <- sfa_get_statement(ticker = params$stocks,
fyear = params$fiscal_year,
period = "q4",
statement = "derived")
derived_q3 <- sfa_get_statement(ticker = params$stocks,
fyear = params$fiscal_year,
period = "q3",
statement = "derived")
# The revenue information can be found in the pl (profit/loss) statement
profit_loss_q4 <- sfa_get_statement(ticker = params$stocks,
fyear = params$fiscal_year,
period = "q4",
statement = "pl")
profit_loss_q3 <- sfa_get_statement(ticker = params$stocks,
fyear = params$fiscal_year,
period = "q3",
statement = "pl")
# Define our own Metric
rule_40 <- profit_loss_q4 |>
select(ticker, fiscal_year, revenue) |>
mutate(growth = revenue/profit_loss_q3$revenue - 1) |>
inner_join(select(derived_q4, net_profit_margin, ticker)) |>
mutate(rule_40 = growth + net_profit_margin,
revenue = revenue/1e6)
Rule of 40 | |||||
ticker | fiscal_year | revenue | growth | net_profit_margin | rule_40 |
FB | 2020 | 28071 | 0.307 | 0.400 | 0.707 |
PINS | 2020 | 706 | 0.594 | 0.295 | 0.889 |
SNAP | 2020 | 911 | 0.343 | -0.124 | 0.219 |
TWTR | 2020 | 1289 | 0.377 | 0.172 | 0.549 |
Pinterest reached with almost 60% the highest growth relative to the previous quarter. Facebook - or Meta as it’s now being called - had the highest profitability. Added together only Snap was not able to satisfy the Rule of 40 metric.
In such a way, reports can now be created programmatically. If we want to e.g. exchange Snapchat with Google (Ticker is GOOG), we would render our report as follows:
There are countless possibilities to create specific reporting templates and functions for your own use cases. Maybe you need to report regularly on companies or industries? This post should give you the tools to do that by accessing the SimFin API. A really minimal example of how such a report might look like can be found here in the Github repo of this blogpost. The output format is of course not limited to html, but can be PDF as well.
Another use case could be creating a report to regularly display Social Media statistics or the number of people who visited your website. For the latter purpose you could access the Google Analytics API e.g. via the {googleAnalyticsR} package. However, the setup would be similar to the one presented here.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Gröninger (2021, Dec. 15). Lukas R Blog: API's and parameterized reports. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{gröninger2021api's, author = {Gröninger, Lukas}, title = {Lukas R Blog: API's and parameterized reports}, url = {}, year = {2021} }